Education & Literacy
In our quest to support the national government, its education reform & the many efforts to achieve Sustainable Development Goal 4 which prioritizes education, ensures inclusive & equitable quality education, and promotes lifelong learning opportunities for all; Youth Crime Watch of Liberia Education and Literacy Program seeks to advocate for education reform, implement educational projects and monitor results and data to assess progress. The Education and Literacy Program also seeks to increase equal access to quality education for all, particularly adolescent girls living in fragile and economically challenged settings, through its different projects under the Education and Literacy. Our integrated approach is based on implementing well-meaning projects and what works to increase education reform, advocacy, deprecated children & adolescents’ learning growth and development, retention, and well-being. Youth Crime Watch of Liberia places adolescent girls as a key focal of attention while we strive to consolidate efforts with the national government to improve education reforms that develop adolescent girls’ competence along with basic soft skills, and potential, and raise their self-confidence.
As part of efforts to effectuate our Education and Literacy Program, the following programs have been implemented:
- Be A Change Agent (BCAP) with funding from UNICEF provided an Alternative Basic Education (ABE) for 200 out-of-school adolescents (80 boys & 120 girls) in Village in Montserrado County (Goba chop and Low Cost).
- The USAID Youth Advance (TYA) Project increases the economic self-reliance and resilience of 21,000 youth by strengthening basic education and foundational life skills for improved livelihoods: strengthening empowerment skills for improved livelihoods and improving the enabling environment for youth productivity in Liberia. Out of the 21,000 youths, YCWL has a one-year target of 300 youths in both Grand Bassa and Montserrado counties to benefit from the project under the pathway-one (P 1) component.
- With funding support from Girls-Up, Youth Crime Watch of Liberia provided financial aid and back-to-school packages to 60 adolescent girls in Montserrado County (Peace Island, Goba Chop, and Low-Cost Village)
- The Street Library encourages children to discover the joy of reading and playing by facilitating access to information, books, and toys across disadvantaged communities and creating a safe space after school. Since 2013, the Street Library program has impacted over 15,800 children directly and indirectly.
Street Library page (An innovative solution to flight illiteracy)
Street Library program aims to fight illiteracy and foster better education in Liberia by encouraging children to read and discover the joy of reading.The Street Library works with communities to improve literacy rates in Liberia by facilitating access to information, books and technological devices while spreading the joy of reading across disadvantaged rural communities who would otherwise have little or no access to these resources. The library is set outdoors, inviting children and the youth to meet under a tent, open covered areas, or other structures to read individually or to listen to a reading. A collection of books covering different topics and book recommendations for all age groups is available on display. A manned stand is established to promote the library and provide information concerning learning and reading courses, as well as schooling possibilities. Additionally, the Street Library proposes creative writing competitions and similar activities.

In our quest to respond to literacy needs, we adopt three library concepts to reach directly to vulnerable children in rural communities with relevant resources. We achieve this through our Mobile Van, Book Kiosk and the Book Chest initiatives.STREET LIBRARY SUPPORT Currently our Street Library program does not have support, we will need your support in providing stipends for volunteer teachers and donation books, educational toy games, and digital resources from supporters like you. If you would like to help us in our efforts, please donate here.
Sports for Change
Youth Crime Watch of Liberia creates or assists training programs, leagues, tournaments, camps, and other youth-related projects. Our sports program places emphasis on youth and children, who are at a high risk of danger from drugs, violence and crime. Our philosophy is that kids can succeed in life no matter where they are raised, as long as they have positive outlets to oppose negative ones.

Idea behind Our Sport for Change Program
Using sport for change is an effective tool because most of our youthful generation more likely to follow sporting activities and/or events during their leisure time. Due to the lack of alternative entertainment or non-formal education facilities across our communities, most young persons, after school are either foundat a nearby video club watching a football match or at a community forum analyzing sports matches.
Youth Media Project

Telling Our Stories
“No one is more qualified to help Liberia than Liberians themselves”
Is a collaborative media education project for disenfranchised youth that
promotes self-expression as a way to explore our shared humanity and build a foundation for the future. YCWL’s Media Program is inspired by the
enthusiasm of young Liberians to promote democracy and freedom of
expression across our communities. This program trains young Liberians in
radio/video/webcast production with the aim of creating short youth-produced news stories for broadcast/webcast. The curriculum balances intensive film/radio production and computer skills training with classes on storytelling. Ongoing mentorship along with technical assistance and the promotion of finished work across multiple channels of distribution enables young adults to share their individual stories with the world and also initiate dialogue among youth on national problems and solutions. The primary objective is to amplify youth voices and promote leadership and citizenship skills.
YCWL aims to build on this spirit of self-reliance as community members,
specifically young men and women affected by more than a decade of war,
are given the opportunity to create their own stories in their own words.
Project participants are encouraged to look within to find their voice and to rely on Liberian traditions of storytelling and self-expression.
Why Support “Telling Our Stories”?
Supporting the creation of institutionalized national youth platforms and
encouraging the development of youth leadership; governments can take a
proactive step towards getting young people involved. With this program,
youth can discuss and advocate their views, making it easier for the
government and other stakeholders to consult with a large and representative
number of young people.