Gender & Women Empowerment
With the prevalence of gender discrimination, and social norms and practices, males and females become affected differently. Females then specifically become exposed to the possibility of child marriage, teenage pregnancy, child domestic work, poor education, and health, sexual abuse, exploitation, and violence in all
its forms; while males become victims of sodomy, mental abuse, stigmatization, bully, domestic violence, and sexual abuse. Many of these manifestations will not change unless males and females are valued equally.
To reach the ambitious goal of full and equal participation of everyone, we have to tackle critical remaining challenges and address the structural causes of gender inequality, such as violence against women and girls, early and forced marriage, sexual and reproductive health, and reproductive rights, persistent gender disparity in schools, homes, religious places, and communities, unequal employment opportunity and the gender wage gap, unpaid care work, limited control over assets and property, and unequal participation in private and public decision-making. YCWL’s commitment to gender equality and women’s empowerment is closely linked with all our efforts. Our Gender Desk was created to ensure that all programs have a gender-sensitive lens and assist in bridging the gap between men and women through equal and equitable opportunities and to combat the disparity women face. We believe in a joint approach, awareness, and skills training for the most vulnerable groups of our society – women and children, while including men community dwellers local and national stakeholders in the discussion. A change in society can only be guaranteed if we treat our children equally and break with common societal stereotypes. At YCWL, we put a strong emphasis on staff training, regular Protection Against Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA), and Child Safeguarding and Sexual Harassment training for all members of staff and all implementing partners as well as community volunteers and contractors.
We have set up a platform and reporting channel in which survivors of Sexual Gender Based Violence, and other forms of abuse are reported and are linked to responsible authorities for redress. YCWL has set up a Complaint and Response Mechanism (CRM) including a helpline managed at the county level by its
social workers and at the YCWL HQ level by a full-time designated focal person (female). These complaints are attended to, filed, and referred to, to the appropriate recipient according to the SGBV Referral Pathway. For external referral, YCWL works in collaboration with the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection, and the Ministry of Health.
Girls in Charge
Girls- In-Charge is a grassroots female empowerment activist movement that seeks to build the self-esteem and confidence of girls and women in Liberia to be agents of change.

Program Overview
Through our Gender Desk, with an assigned Gender Coordinator, a Gender and Advocacy Ocer and Peer Educators/ Volunteers, we empower females (primarily ages 15-35) by firstly building a foundation for female empowerment. Through our experiential learning style, participatory workshops, group sessions, role-modelling and inspirational speakers, we support young women and girls to transform the negative images society puts on them into positive ones. We design self-esteem and confidence building activities as well as Sexual Reproductive Health trainings that help young women and girls to realize their true abilities, power and critical thinking skills. We support them to discover what they can do and provide them with the space, skills and connections to do it. In the spirit of true equality and bridging the gap young men are very much encouraged to take part as we try to eradicate negative stereotypes in society especially about girls and women, we need to involve boys and men in the discussion.

Once the women have begun to believe that they can be in charge of bringing change. They will form community groups. These groups will meet weekly and discussion issues they may face on a personal level up to a national level, and take charge of the decision making process. Girls in Charge are a judgment free zone with a platform of respect for each other. Girls can face stigmatization for many different things, having a place to share personal issue is a healing process. Then common threads will be identified, problems reviled, and Actions towards a solution
Thursdays In Black (TiB)- Youth Crime Watch of Liberia joins the global Thursdays in Black campaign. The aim of this campaign is to raise awareness and stand in solidarity with the victims and survivors of Sexual Gender Based Violence (SGBV). We wear black every Thursday and encourage all women, men and children to join by creating awareness in our project locations and through our online campaign on Facebook led by our main office.
FEMINIST DIALOGUE For our Girls in Charge Program we will be implementing a monthly discussion with young women. With this dialogue we aspire to build the capacity of young women to tackle issues of injustice, discrimination, and gender inequality. We address these points by empowering young females to be motivated to speak up and create a space for themselves and have access to mentors while also promoting female leadership through the dialogue.
Girls in ICT
We are empowering women by removing limitations around the access and use of Information Communication Technology (ICT); allowing them to discover their full potential
As the world develops in this digital age we envision a society in which women would also serve as drivers in moving Liberia forward. We envision a society where women are no longer marginalized, but have every means necessary to accomplish their goals with the help of technology.
Empowerment through ICT education provides limitless possibilities to women that they would otherwise be denied. The ICT education the girls receive makes them responsible create an opportunity for them to be a valuable part of society. Girls in ICT bridge the gender disparity gap in the technology field, and decrease marginalization.
Girls in ITC bridge the gap of female representation in the technology field.

Girls in ICT seek to utilize ICT education as a means to empower women by providing the necessary tools and skills to:
⦁ Improve Job Mobility
⦁ Improve access to Higher Education
⦁ Improve livelihood
⦁ Improve social status
Program overview
Young women can sign-up for one or all of the classes being offered. They can also sign up for general computer use time, and request additional help.
These classes are intended to improve their lives by providing skills needed to advance their position. The program focuses on Microsoft Office, Resume Writing, Social Media, Research, Typing, and Online Education