Unification Town Center

Unification Town is situated in Margibi County, which is in the central part of Liberia. It is located approximately 25 kilometers (about 16 miles) from the capital city of Monrovia, Liberia. Youth Crime Watch of Liberia has a safe space for children. The safe space helps children to grow and protects them. In a location like Unification Town where children’s rights have been abused and violated and face its share of challenges, these spaces play a vital role in shaping the future of children in that part of Liberia.
The Safe Space Center established by Youth Crime Watch of Liberia in Unification Town serves as a dedicated facility created to offer a secure and supervised environment for Children and adolescents across communities. This center facilitates informal and unstructured social interaction among children and adolescents of various age groups while also providing space for more organized activities. Through this center, children have the chance to engage in recreational and educational activities and receive literacy, and numeracy skills through the Street Library program, thereby aiding in the development of their physical, social, emotional, and cognitive skills. Moreover, this space enables children and adolescents to experience a sense of accomplishment, enjoyment, and acknowledgment.
Success stories

Joshua Williams passed TVET
My name is Joshua William, I am 15 years of age, and in the third grade. I am currently living with my Aunty in Joe Blow’s Town, Unification City, Lower Margibi County. My both parents live in the rural part of Grand Bassa County so they ask my Aunty for me to live in Unification Town so I can get a quality education I didn’t go to school for two years since I got here instead my Aunty has been asking me to sell so we can generate my school fees but God his own way of solving my problems. Amazingly, today he is using the Youth Crime Watch of Liberia.

These are activities implemented at the Center:
In the heart of rural Liberia, where opportunities can be scarce, foundational life skills sessions for children and adolescents are sowing the seeds of empowerment, resilience, and personal development. Youth Crime Watch of Liberia hired and trained 10 adolescents as Peer Educators to roll out Foundational life Skills sessions both in schools and communities across Unification Town. These sessions offer a lifeline to children and adolescents, equipping them with essential life skills that not only enhance their own lives but also contribute to the vitality and growth of their communities. This initiative represents a beacon of hope, fostering self-confidence, problem-solving abilities, and the capacity to envision a brighter future.
Counseling sessions are rolled out under the “UNICEF Let Us Learn Project” for children and adolescents at our safe space. These sessions provide a safe, confidential, and empathetic environment for children and adolescents to address a wide range of personal, emotional, and social challenges. Our dedicated social workers are trained professionals, and they work closely with children and women to explore their concerns, provide guidance, and empower them to lead healthier and more fulfilling lives. YCWL counseling sessions for children are designed to be child-centric, with activities and communication methods tailored to their age, understanding, and comfort level.
In Rural Liberia, ensuring that every child has a legal identity through birth registration is a fundamental step towards securing their rights, access to services, and a brighter future. At our center, we take this commitment to heart. We believe that every child deserves the opportunity to be officially recognized and protected under the law, regardless of their circumstances. Therefore, we are dedicated to facilitating and promoting birth registrations for children with a particular focus on our center in Unification Town. Youth Crime Watch of Liberia partnership with the Ministry of Health and Social Wealth (Bureau of Vital Statistics). YCWL Registered about a thousand children in Unification Town as part of their interventions in the UNICEF Let Us Learn Project.
Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) plays a pivotal role in equipping Adolescents and youth with the skills, knowledge, and practical experience needed to succeed in various professions. YCWL TVET programs are designed to bridge the gap between education and the workforce by focusing on hands-on training, technical skills development, and industry-relevant education. The Program also provides financial literacy training and Job placement for these adolescents/youths who go through the skills training. The Program is part of UNICEF Project interventions to help unskilled adolescents and youth with skills in Pastry, and cosmetology. About 30 adolescents and Youth have benefitted from a 9-month training and are assigned to their communities to provide these services.