On March 29, 2018, Youth Crime Watch of Liberia held its first Young Female Dialogue at the United States Embassy in Monrovia. The dialogue brought together women leaders from both international and non-governmental sectors to share their success stories with 36 female participants through a panel discussion under the theme: Inspiring to Lead.
The aim of the dialogue was to ensure that young female leaders get to see the importance of females in leadership and identify ways in which they can positively influence and impact their communities, institutions and country. It was organized to inspire young leaders to lead and take on impact-driven actions in their various institutions and respective communities. The program served as a pla tform for networking, mentor-ship, and storytelling.
The program was graced by Madame Helen Harris, Migration-, Promotions-, and Communications assistant of the Sweden Embassy, Mrs. Aisha Cooper-
Bruce, Executive Director of Help Our Children Excel (HOPE), Mr. Sam Hare, former Deputy Minister of Youth and Sports.

The event was coordinated into three sessions and began with an open dialogue which provided the space for the participants to discuss the challenges in Liberia and suggest possible remedies to solve these challenges. Following the first session was the panel discussion which featured Madame Helen Harris and Aisha Cooper- Bruce; both women shared their stories with the participants and encouraged them to take on meaningful roles in their communities and respective institutions. The last panel featured former Deputy Minister of Youth and Sports and a youth development expert, Mr. Sam Hare lectured on the Theme: Leadership and Personal Development, and provided the space for the participants to brainstorm on some topical issues as well as interact with one anot her.
The participants expressed gratitude and vowed to share the message gained during the event.